5 copies of Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?
By ordering 5 copies of Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?, you will automatically become part of Loren’s exclusive Powerhouse Book Launch Team. You will get insider access to the book launch itself, special emails, and be a part of the group that creates a tidal wave of activity during launch week. In addition, you'll receive:
Advanced access to chapters of the book (priceless)
A ticket to one of the City Tour Stops "In-Conversation with Loren" — you choose your city! ($125 value)
A Virtual Ticket to the Surprise Guest Release Day event where you participate in direct Q&A (by invitation only)
A seat on the virtual couch of the Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up? Book Club hosted by Loren herself ($99 value)
A downloadable "In The Dash" Journal to inspire your own journey ($30 value)
Full details will be emailed once the order is placed. With only 200 spots available, act quickly to secure a place on the team!
Unbreakable Entrepreneur to Heartbroken Survivor: Loren Ridinger’s Untold Story of Love, Loss, and Finding Strength to Thrive Again
Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up? Living Your Best Life After Losing Your Greatest Love shares Loren Ridinger’s life story—one that began with her husband JR Ridinger’s bold vision to change the world through the power of the Internet. Alongside JR, she helped pioneer Market America, empowering thousands of entrepreneurs to succeed on their own terms using the power of online shopping. However, Loren’s journey took a heartbreaking turn with JR’s sudden passing after thirty-six years of partnership and marriage, leaving her to navigate overwhelming grief while trying to maintain the legacy they built together. In this book, Loren reveals how she found the strength to move through grief and start living fully by embracing each day—no matter what life served up next. This is more than just a memoir; it is a guide to turning loss into a powerful force for growth, and a reminder that within the dash lies the potential to create a life of meaning and impact.